How do I get the App?

juli is available in the iOS App Store. If you like juli we would appreciate if you could give us a good review there...

What happens to my data?

Your data remains yours. We store the data in an industry standard EHR system with all required security and control mechanisms in place which prevent unauthorized access to your data. In fact, very few of our employees have access to your data and those that do can only get access authorized when needed. We do have automated analyses running on your data, but the outcome of those analyses are only shared with you, and not accessible by anyone else.

Where is my data stored?

We use industry standard electronic health record services which store your data securely and encrypted. Data is stored in Google Cloud instances managed by us. All servers run in the United States of America for now as we are launching our first product there.

Is juli a real person?

No, juli is not a real person (yet), but has a personality and wants to understand you. juli has been given scientifically proven questionnaires and interactions to better understand how you’re doing. With this understanding, and the information from your smart devices, the weather, air pollution and more, juli helps you and motivates you to improve your quality of life.

Does juli cost anything?

juli is free of charge. In the future we might add services that require payment. We’ll always strive to make juli affordable for all. 

Which conditions are covered by juli?

We aim to help people with all chronic conditions. Right now juli covers the following conditions:

  • asthma

  • depression

  • bipolar disorder

  • migraine

  • non-migraine headaches

  • chronic pain (visceral pain, nerve pain, pain of unknown origin, muscoskeletal pain and other pain)

Can I talk to anyone at juli?

Yes of course! You can write us an email at our info address or use our contact form to reach us.

How do you get my data?

Most data comes from your smartphone and - if you have one - from your smartwatch. We also retrieve and display location-related data like weather or pollen which we get from professional third party providers. 

Where can I ask for help or support in using juli?

You can reach our support either by mail or by using our online support form.

What can juli do at the moment?

juli allows you to get an overview of all kinds of data which we think influence how you feel and influence your state of health. For instance, juli shows your activity, your sleep, your heart rate, weather information, air quality and more. Further, juli asks you every day how you feel, information we use to better understand how your health state is influenced by the data we collect. We also have a bi-weekly questionnaire which goes a bit deeper into understanding your current status and which again helps generate deeper insights into what makes you feel better or worse.

What happens if I don't want to use juli anymore?

If you would like to stop using our service, let us know and we will simply remove your data and access from our servers. If you use Apple Health to store your data, you will still have access to all data you have collected about yourself. Data entered in juli will however be removed.

I don’t want to use juli anymore, what should I do?

If you would like to stop using juli, please write us an email.

How do I connect a device to juli?

Simply connect it to your smartphone and Apple Health. We will track the data from there.

Do you recommend a device for juli?

You need at least a smartphone to use juli. A smartwatch adds additional data points and improves accuracy, which allows us to further identify factors that affect or predict your wellness.