Live better with your chronic condition.

What juli does

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Patient centric

juli focusses on you. By using juli you enable juli to learn more and more about you, your condition and your preferences. With this information juli will help you find strategies to improve your wellbeing.

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Environment data

We also provided juli with ways to gather information about the weather around you as well as air pollution. We will also include data on traffic density, environmental noise and more to give juli a full picture of you in your surrounding.

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Smart data

By connecting your smart devices to juli, juli is able to understand your situation and find correlations between events and your body’s and mind’s reaction. juli becomes your personal coach.

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Your health dashboard

juli will generate a dashboard for you showing your health, as well as your health’s history. With the history, juli will help you figure out what you should do to feel better and juli will help you find the motivation to do so.

Patent pending


“Having a chronic condition to live with is hard enough. Every help to find ways to improve is a gift.”

— LISA M., juli CLIENT

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