Do We Need A World Asthma Day?

Today, May 5 2021, is World Asthma Day, organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). There actually is a World Something Day every single day of the year. And we do know that mankind has a limited capability of perception. So there is a good chance that this day will pass by unnoticed by many of us.

But asthma is actually a larger health issue than one would think. According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 339 million people with asthma, which is almost 5% of the population. And COVID 19 has brought to our attention how life-threatening breathing problems are, and how they can complicate other illnesses.

Back to the initial question: do we need a world asthma day? Clearly, in 2021 we need it more than ever! Right now, with so many people suffering from asthma and a  public cough or wheeze as cause for social concern, we need more people aware! Asthma is never an easy condition to have, but to be uncomfortable in public, worried both you'll get exposed to a virus that is made worse by your health, as well as facing social exclusion because you dare to cough in public makes this last year an extra burden for people with asthma. 

Dear asthma patients: we are with you. And we hope you get vaccinated with the highest priority wherever you are!

P.S. Although asthma cannot be cured, it is possible to manage asthma to reduce and prevent asthma attacks. This is why we made asthma one of the initial chronic conditions to be managed with juli, combining personal data with asthma-related markers like temperature, pollen situation or air pollution.


Dare to be better!


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