Engage patients for

better health outcomes

  • Supports patient’s health self-management 

  • Proven in two independent rigorous clinical trials

  • Retention and engagement tenfold industry standards

Award winning:

Our Mission: Empowering patients

juli enables patients to identify triggers of their condition by tracking all data that might be relevant to their wellness. We provide patients with recommendations for small behavior changes and care managers with insights into the patient’s status. This supports patients/members in achieving lasting, clinically significant health improvements.

juli does all that
and more!

Engagement - the holy grail of health apps

Downloading health apps isn’t enough to drive impact. Users need to see a benefit, be engaged and stay interested enough to actually use them.  Easier said than done; most apps and especially health apps struggle to achieve user engagement and retention.

Interested to learn more about retention and engagement at juli? Read the full report here.

Retention of juli users after 30 days. (Industry average: 3.7%)

Engagement: More than half of the active juli users use the app at least twice per week.

Based on research

In two large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted with patients diagnosed with two different chronic conditions, we demonstrated efficacy by improving outcomes in people with either asthma or depression compared to participants using an active control app.

Our asthma RCT is published at JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research), our depression RCT is published at Sage journals.

Discover our latest publications:

Bipolar White paper

Results from our RCT study on depression

Results from our RCT study on asthma

“Using juli, I realized I was in a manic episode when I thought it was just everything going well. That meant I could take the right medications, and may have helped avoid such a crash when that episode ended.”

Drew H. (age 36)

“I just love the daily dares. I am such a gamer and try so hard to achieve my 5 points every day! It helps motivate me in a fun, non-intrusive way. And it feels great that the games I'm playing are actually good for my well being. juli makes keeping track of my wellness fun and I can see the benefits already.”

Lara M. (age 27)

“I had no idea that air pollution had such an effect on my depression! Sleep, activity - yes, but air pollution? But it does and taking this into account is one of the most helpful insights I've had in years. I would not have made the connection without juli's help.”

Robert K. (age 56)

 How does juli work?

Good doctors begin their first meeting with a new patient by learning as much as they can about you. Every patient, every person, is unique and has needs and nuances that go far beyond a superficial diagnosis. 

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juli understands this, so the first step when you load the app is for juli to get to know you. Once juli has “met” you, she will keep track of your wellness in several ways: 

Passive: set up juli and let her do her thing! Your wearables will send her data and she’ll keep it all in one organized place. 

Active: you can add information whenever you like. Whether it’s notes on what you ate before a migraine or how rested you felt after a rough night, add whatever you need, whenever you’d like to.

The more information that juli has about you and your wellness, the better she’s able to help.

Try juli today yourself!