Today is the big day!


Today we’re launching the closed beta version of our app.  Although it’s just a minimalist version of what we want juli to be, we’re off to a good start. We’re definitely giddy about getting it into the hands of users and kinda proud, too. 😊

juli allows people with chronic conditions to see the most relevant data about their condition. We dynamically  combine personal data like sleep or activity with external data like weather or air pollution. Users can add personal notes about their condition in a linked journal. On a daily basis we also ask a few condition-related questions that are added to the user’s dashboard. As you use the app, patterns emerge and we’ll show you correlations. 

The last 3 weeks have been filled with lots of last-minute shaping and bug-fixing. Most importantly, we had to make decisions on what to implement and what to push to a later stage. Very often these are difficult discussions: is heart rate variability more important than air pollution? Would people prefer to see yesterday’s data over the aggregation of last week’s data? Should a button be on the top right or center? Questions like this kept us quite busy.Today we can’t wait to hear from our beta testers about what they like and what they’d like us to improve.

We’re already planning the next stage and there’s a lot more to come: more data, a better interpretation of that data, correlations, recommendations and much more. Stay tuned and thank you for joining us on our journey.


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