Managing the physical health consequences of bipolar disorder with juli

Bipolar disorder is a complex, recurrent, mental health problem that affects over 350 million people worldwide. Individuals with bipolar disorder are at increased risk of a range of physical health problems. They will often require long-term drug treatment with the aim of preventing relapse or recurrence. Some of these medications can also increase the risk of adverse effects. Most recently our co-founder and CSO has been working on machine learning algorithms to predict which people treated with lithium may be at risk of developing kidney damage because of their treatment. This is important as lithium is the most effective medication available for treatment of bipolar disorder, but its use is limited by concerns about this adverse effect.

We have developed juli to help people with bipolar disorder manage their mental and physical health. Juli works holistically and empowers the user by giving them control of their data. This can include tracking medication response, adverse effects, blood tests and many other parameters of health and wellbeing.


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